Meet the team
Join a team of 2,900 talented and motivated people dedicated to helping entrepreneurs succeed.
What our employees have to say about BDC:
Entrepreneurs see us as trustworthy partners.
Here, every employee has the same unique goal: to support entrepreneurs and help them grow and take the next step.
I feel proud to work at BDC. We do not go to entrepreneurs with a sales mentality, because we are not here to offer them things they do not need. We are here to contribute to their success, and entrepreneurs see us as trusted partners.”

Khurrum Khan
Mississauga Business Centre
Every day is different; there is never a dull moment.
It is very gratifying to work at BDC, because we can concretely help entrepreneurs achieve their goals. There are the entrepreneurs we have been following since the very beginning and whose businesses we have been able to see evolve over the years, and there are the new entrepreneurs with whom we are about to build a long-term relationship. It is a rewarding job where every day is different, where there is never a dull moment."

Julia Lee
Senior Commercial Account Manager
Saint Johns
The people at BDC are great.
I started 15 years ago as an account manager in Regina (Saskatchewan), and then moved on to Langley and Prince George (in British Columbia). As I used to say to my mother, I cannot stay in the same province all my life!
But there is one constant: I have always been welcomed with open arms by my colleagues, which has always made the transition easier. Although it is sad when you leave, you sometimes get the chance to meet up again afterwards, and it is nice to have several friends across the country. This is one of the things I appreciate most about BDC: in this bank, the people are great, from one end of Canada to the other."

Ryan McLean
Vice President, Financing and Advisory Services
British Columbia and North
BDC’s culture is different from that of traditional banks.
I like working at BDC because its culture is different from that of conventional banks. We spend more time in the community and in our customers' businesses, so we learn a lot of new things about different industries, every day. I work with like-minded people, and I think we share also the same values.
BDC also offers ongoing leadership development programs. I am fortunate to have mentors within BDC who help me a lot in my career."

Jamie Mowat
Vancouver Entrepreneurship Centre
I wanted to contribute to society.
This is why I wanted to join BDC: I wanted to be able to contribute to society. BDC's mission is to support Canadian businesses with financing solutions and sound advice that are likely to contribute to their success. I wanted to support them too. Having recently immigrated to Canada, the opportunity to quickly play an active role with entrepreneurs and to have a positive impact on the community were decisive elements for me."

Jacqueline Zhou
Senior Client Partner, Advisory Services,